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Organised By: Regional Development Agency Centru Romania
Read our brochure to know more about the actions implemented in the territories and good practices.
Hosted by ADR Centru, our partner from Romania, the 2-day event addressed how circular economy is dealt with in the Region & showcased local projects.
Our COLOR CIRCLE project in a 2-minute video (subtitled in FR, ES, NL, RO, CZ)
17 May 2021 - 10AM - A 2-hour session with projects from FR, ES, RO, NL
Experts presented the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy & the Andalusian Bioeconomy Strategy to partners in June 2020
Regional authority explains how this province is becoming one of the best examples of a successful transition towards a circular economy
The new Circular Economy Action Plan, adopted on 11 March 2020 by the EU Commission, available in English, French, Dutch, Czesh, Romanian and Spanish
Investigadores o autoridades locales, involucrados en temas de economía circular, descarguen la versión en español del folleto
Cercetător sau reprezentant al comunității implicat în problematica economiei circulare, descarcă versiune în limba română a broșurii
Chercheur ou collectivité, engagés sur les questions d'économie circulaire, téléchargez la version française de la plaquette