January 26, 2021 RDA Centru (PP5) organised the 3rd RSG meeting of the Color Circle project. This meeting gathered 31 participants (representatives of the local public authorities, academia, clusters, private companies, NGOs, other stakeholders involved in developing CE initiatives in Centru Region, Romania).

The event had an online format and was divided into 2 sections:
•    Section 1 included a short presentation of the COLOR CIRCLE project and the activities implemented so far (interregional events and future activities, lessons learnt and its connections with the Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, the Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027, the Smart Specialisation Strategy - RIS3Centru and the Regional Development Plan for 2021-2027) and the presentation of the circular economy regional mapping exercise drafted in Centru Region.
•    Section 2 included a presentation of national/regional CE projects, identified as good practices (PlastiCircle, C-Voucher and ECOTIC Caravan).

This RSG meeting was an opportunity to discuss the results of the circular economy regional mapping exercise drafted by IRCEM, to address the challenges in adapting CE practices in small and medium communities from Centru Region and to identify, by involving the regional research community and by using the good practices presented within the COLOR CIRCLE project, the most suitable project proposals for creating sustainable communities in Centru Region.
Based on the regional mapping and the good practices presented by the project partners, in the following period an action plan will drafted at regional level.