COLOR CIRCLE, which aims at connecting local and regional authorities with research centres on circular economy, started on 1st August 2019. As phase 1 ended in July 2022 and phase 2 of COLOR CIRCLE started on the 1st of August 2022, it is now time to reflect on what COLOR CIRCLE’s partnership achieved in this three-year period.
COLOR CIRCLE’s outputs :
Since 2019, COLOR CIRCLE’s partners managed to get:
- 49 policy learning events organised.
- 54 appearances in media.
- more than 15 good practices identified and shared at project level.
- 5 action plans developed representing 7 activities.
Introducing each partner’s action plan
While July 2022 marked the last milestone in phase 1, all partners’ plans were validated by the Joint Secretariat. To read the action plans.
In phase 2, partners will mainly focus on implementing their action plans and disseminating the outcomes of the project. As regards each partner, the activities to be implemented are :
- ‘Support for initiatives creating a link with research and innovation projects in the field of resource saving’ (Bourgogne-Franche Comté).
- ‘Consultancy programme for SMEs for Circular Economy’ (Central Bohemia Innovation Centre).
- 'A Contract for Ecoservices delivered in agricultural landscape’ and ‘Project vouchers to stimulate circular farming’ (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences).
- ‘Setting up 5 working groups to create a circular urban lab’ (Regional Development Agency Centru).
- ‘Puentes programme’ and a ‘working group table, linking university and territory’ (Province of Granada).
COLOR CIRCLE’s final event will take place in 2023 and will allow all partners to expose the project achievements.