The implementation of the Action Plan prepared by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) as part of the CONDEREFF project is coming to an end after almost two and a half years. This Action Plan consists of two main actions in which have participated among others the Regional Government for Housing, College of Architects of Alicante, College of Technical architects and Building engineers of Valencia, Municipality of Bétera, College of Architects of Valencia, construction companies such as Contratas Vilor S.L. and many technical experts from the Department of Architectural Constructions of the UPV.  In addition, the toolkit developed by the CONDEREFF project had international repercussions, attracting construction experts from Latin America such as the College of Architects of southern Jalisco (Mexico), College of Architects of Guanajuato (Mexico) or the College of Engineers of Perú.


The second phase of the CONDEREFF project focuses on the implementation of the Action Plan created as a result of the first phase of the project. The implementation of the Action Plan took place from December 2021 to March 2023. The UPV’s Action Plan focused on the Policy Instrument Integral Plan of Waste by the Valencian Community (PIRCV), and specially on Article 29. Construction and demolition waste and on the revision made by Decree 55/2019 which promotes the improvement of the traceability of CDW.


Two actions are defined in the UPV’s Action Plan:

The first is case studies for the application of the CONDERFF Toolkit for the traceability of C&D waste with support from the administration in different construction works from the municipalities of the Valencian Community. The CONDEREFF toolkit has already been implemented in 2 case studies in the Valencian Community (municipalities of Aldaia and Xabia) with the aim of monitoring the traceability of CDW from the construction project phase to the final waste management phase and involving the actors in the CDW management chain. Its application in case studies has been presented to administrations as an "exemplary exercise" and their response is positive.

As for the second action, impact meetings were planned to disseminate and exchange the knowledge and experience acquired during the project with the agents involved in the CDW management, especially policymakers and authorities, to influence the policy instrument and promote the CONDEREFF toolkit. Five meetings were organised with regional political authorities such as the General Director of Ecological Innovation in Construction, the Mayor and Municipal Architect of the Municipal Council of Bétera or the Managing Director of the Official Association of Quantity Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Valencia to present them the CONDEREFF toolkit, best practices and other knowledge acquired and developed during the project, in order to train and empower them to influence the regional policy instrument.


Following the implementation of the Action Plan, results have been obtained that allow for the improvement of regional policies in the Valencian Community. In conclusion, the CONDEREFF project has had an impact on the region of the Valencian Community reflected as:

  • Raising awareness, creating tools and researching reports and identifying good practices easily accessible to all stakeholders in the CDW management value chain with whom we have met during these almost 5 years through regional meetings, construction meetings, workshops and the action plan.
  • Providing a CONDEREFF toolkit to increase the capacity of regional administrations and effectively implementing it in two pilot cases resulted in a successful outcome and disocvering possible improvements for future versions that could be further implemented in other municipalities.
  • Establishing new synergies and networking of the different agents involved in the management of CDW value chain and enabling collaborations for future actions in the field of improving CDW management.

Picture : Case study 1: Music House acoustic conditioning in Aldaia (Valencia)