CRAFTS CODE partners and their stakeholders gathered for a Public Dissemination Workshop event in Hungary hosted by our partner Budapest Foundation for Enterprise Promotion.

This workshop was a hybrid event, live-streamed from the beautiful Márai Sándor Művelődési Ház in Budapest. 

The meeting provided a valuable opportunity to discuss the different challenges encountered by craft SMEs in our partner regions. 

Mr. Gergely Karácsony, Mayor of Budapest, Budapest Municipality; Mr. Federico Gianassi, Deputy Mayor of Florence, Florence Municipality; and Ms Sanna Halonen, Chairperson of the Cultural Board of the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, welcomed CRAFTS CODE partners and stakeholders to the Public Dissemination Workshop. 

The Keynote speech was delivered by the Lead Partner, Mrs. Carlotta Viviani, Project Manager, Municipality of Florence and Mrs. Iolanda Castellana, Communication Officer School of Business Sciences and Industrial Technologies “Piero Baldesi”.

The Pilot Action results were presented by all partners; Italy, Hungary, Ireland, Finland, Bulgaria and Spain, and a CRAFTS CODE storytelling animation was played at the event - watch the animation HERE.