The aim of the on-field visit is to conduct a peer review, which will have as a starting point the roadmap recently drawn up by the Region thanks to the contribution of the Regional Stakeholders' Working Group, which intends to provide a third party analysis on this document also in view of its transposition into the regional action plan and any recommendations useful to improve the implementation of the ICC support action, included in the ERDF ROP of Friuli Venezia Giulia 2014-2020, a policy instrument that CRE: HUB project intends to support.

In the first session Regional stakeholders will be interviewed by experts with the aim to deepen the range of services that will be funded by the incubation action provided by ERDF ROP. The second session, open to the entire workgroup of the CRE:HUB project, will be devoted to sharing the preliminary conclusions drawn up by the experts with the regional stakeholders.
