The document, commissioned by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) to SIRIS Academic, reports the key outcomes of the study on the use of open data, open science & open innovation for S3.

Produced as part of the “Lagging Regions” project of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, it aims to support selected slow growth and low-income territories in 9 EU Member States in the implementation of their RIS3. 
The Lagging Regions project brings these territories together to share experiences and to develop cross-regional, horizontal perspectives on the key challenges they and many other regions across Europe are facing. These include: Governance, Monitoring and Evaluation; Managing industrial transitions and Transregional and transnational collaboration. 
Under the project, a Massive Open Online course on monitoring was produced. It led to the identification of the key next steps in furthering regions’ capacities to monitor and evaluate the outcomes of their RIS3 efforts. 

The report presents the outcomes of one such next step, further information are available here.