The CRinMA project was inaugurated during a conference opened by a high-level policy-maker Leszek Zegzda - a member of the Board of the Malopolska Region, which took place on 9 May 2017 in Krakow, Poland.

The conference was attended by over 70 participants from all of partner regions and a representative of the Polish Ministry of Development, which is the Managing Authority of the Poland-Slovakia Cross-Border Programme (one of the policy instruments addressed by the CRinMA project).

The CRinMA project partners presented their experiences related to their participation in cross-border programmes: PL-SK (Poland – Slovakia), ALCOTRA (France – Italy) and POCTEP (Portugal – Spain). The discussion focused on common challenges regarding sustainable use and protection of cultural heritage in the Carpathian Mountains, Alps and Gêres-Xurés Cross-Border National Park.

The conference was followed by the 1st Steering Group meeting and a workshop in the Krakow Ethnographic Museum.