The 5th CRinMA study visit took place in Prešov region. The first day of study visit was devoted to the very first Transnational workshop in the frame of the project, where stakeholders from all partners have participated. The main idea of the workshop was to answer the question „How to build identity on cultural heritage in mountain regions?“ Partners also discussed the importance of education and the protection of cultural heritage. Important part of the workshop was presentation of folk costumes and songs as a demonstration of comparison of cultural traditions yesterday and today.
The 2nd day of study visit partners had opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful and historically very important castles in Slovakia – Lubovňa Castle. A part of the sightseeing was visit of an open-air museum, where visitors could try out some of the old crafts. Then we moved to Pieniny National Park to raft down the Dunajec River and experience the old ways of travel.
The Last day we have visited the Museum Ždiar House, where we had presentation of cultural traditions in Ždiar. Participants also took part in traditional highlander wedding – what was great experience for all of us.