Environmental degradation and climate change are an existential threat to the World. Being till the last 2 years mostly in political documents and speeches, nowadays these 2 topics become the centre of political life. To overcome these challenges the European Commission has set up so called European Green Deal to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.
Climate neutrality by 2050 is the main goal of the European Green Deal. For the European Union to reach the target of climate neutrality, central objective is to decarbonise its energy system, transport and agricultural sectors by achieving “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.”
These ambitious goals could be achieved only in strong partnership & collaboration between all involved stakeholders: authorities at all levels, workers, citizens, business, academia, science and education, NGOs…
During the 2-day event you will be able to hear the messages of a large part of them: European Commission, European Investment Bank, points of view of the local authorities, businesses, syndicates, youths, academia, science, etc. This Forum is a practical example how the collaboration between several projects could be delivered on place for more synergy, visible results and stronger impact.
The event is joining efforts and building on last year’s:
- New Energy Mix – Social Policy dialogue, part of DeCarb Interreg Europe Project,
- 3rd Forum of Mayors, organized by WWF in Poland, and
- TRACER H2020 project initiatives
Carrying out social dialogue events under the DeCarb project is a crucial part of the transition to a low-carbon economy in the region.
The last year’s Social Policy Dialogue: New Energy Mix event was a success reaching over 20 000 people on Facebook but only kick-started this important dialogue and a logical continuation of the dialogue will be held this year.
4th Forum of Mayors will deepen the cooperation between coal regions with 60 mayors from different Europe coal regions in transition, who signed the Europe coal regions in transition, will meet and discuss what comes next.
In order to meet the high expectations, the moderators are currently in training to deal with hot discussions on the hottest topics.
The event will be in a form of hybridnar - only the bravest will have a possibility to register for live participation at Stara Zagora event hub in “Zachary Knyazheski” Regional Library, Amphitheatre Hall, 6000 Stara Zagora, 44 Ruski Blvd.
The online participation will be held on the Zoom platform, after a preliminary registration.
Simultaneous translation in English, German, Bulgarian, Polish and Greek will be provided.