The partners of the EU project "DeCarb" have visited Lusatia on 6 and 7 November. The focus of the study visit was the exchange with Brandenburg representatives from industry and administration about the potential of recultivation and use of mining landscape. The host was the Brandenburg Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, partner of DeCarb project. "Brandenburg is a role model throughout Europe when it comes to shaping mining landscape for the future. The recultivation technologies and reuse concepts from Lusatia can be a blueprint for other European coal regions" said the Minister of Economic Affairs, Jörg Steinbach. For Brandenburg, there are special opportunities in the field of renewable energies as well as in the application of hybrid and storage technologies on mining landscapes.

Part of the program was a meeting with regional stakeholders and companies in the evening of 6 November in Cottbus, with the aim of establishing direct contacts. On November 7, Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG) presented recultivation projects in the Welzow-Süd region. These are examples of private and public cooperation with scientific institutions.