University of Twente
Advisory lead partner
Netherlands (Nederland)
University of Twente offers a particular competence in the policy implementation and governance assessment that can facilitate implementation of the project.
Advisory lead partner
Netherlands (Nederland)
University of Twente offers a particular competence in the policy implementation and governance assessment that can facilitate implementation of the project.
Netherlands (Nederland)
Province of Fryslân’s competence is policy making for the region that combines instruments such as creativity, innovations and sustainability.
The Regional Natural Park of Camargue has a solid experience in European projects in promoting regional economic development, sustainability and creativity.
Romania (România)
DDNI has specific focus on sustainable use of biodiversity and well-established experience in implementing EU projects related to environmental sustainability.
Italy (Italia)
ART-ER is the Emilia-Romagna Joint Stock Consortium born from the merger of ASTER and ERVET, with the purpose of fostering the region’s sustainable growth.
Italy (Italia)
Po Delta Park is a managing public body for biodiversity that deals with restoration, protection and valorisation of natural heritage of Emilia-Romagna Region.
Spain (España)
The Council of Chambers of Commerce has a special role in supporting development of viable business models in wetlands’ pilot areas in Valencia region.
Ireland (Éire)
CCC as a local authority contributes to the preparation and adoption of regional/local plans and is a vehicle of governance and public service at local level.
Ireland (Éire)
UCC has nationally unique expertise and experience in development of methodologies for measuring and mapping ecosystem services in coastal habitats.
University of Twente
Interested in: Leading a project, Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvolare Delta Dunarii
Interested in: Joining a project, Exchanging good practices
Cork County Council
Interested in: Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Exchanging good practices
Cork County Council
Interested in: Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices
Council of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services and Shipping of the Valencia
Interested in: Joining a project, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
LocalEurope Consulting
Interested in: Leading a project, Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development
Interested in: Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development
Interested in: Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers
Parc naturel régional de Camargue
Interested in: Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Following online learning activities
Interested in: Joining a project, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
Interested in: Attending networking events, Following online learning activities