Romina Magni De Antonio, explained the objetive of the new project approved DEvelopment Sustainable Mobility in European Cities. She gave enphasis to the main goal to be achived , during the PHASE 1:  The encouragement of models transport that are respectful with the environment and mean a real alternative to fight against high CO2 emissions. 

She explained , the main objective of the DEMO-EC project is to integrate agile and efficient mobility in the development of the city by analyzing, sharing and disseminating good practices. This will improve the effectiveness of policies in the field of low carbon transport. The expected impact of the project is to positively influence alternatives to high carbon transport, supporting cleaner transport and developing a culture of alternative vehicles to the car. To achieve these goals, DEMO-EC partners ´ll collect and exhange a series of good practices at the local, regional, national and European level in the areas of E-Mobility programs, use of public transport, automobile reduction practices (Bicycle), participation of the Government and a development of the culture of the mobility.

The members of the initiative are local and regional development agencies from 6 different countries (Germany, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic), sharing their experiences and results in order to analyze and improve policies applied to mobility . The experience and results obtained from good practices will help the city to improve its means and improve the mobility of cities and regions.

The specific objective of FAMCP is to implement policy instruments that improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in buildings and in public infrastructure and services.