What was partnership doing in Zaragoza?

FAMCP Federation of Municipalities, Regions, and Provinces of Aragon have organized the 2nd project meeting.  

First day was reserved for study visit. 22 members of DEMO EC project, from 7 partner regions were guided to Transport Centre of the Area of Zaragoza. The Director and the Expert in mobility explained to partner and stakeholders, the four Areas in which the Zaragoza Mobility is divided (4 areas: Transportation, Integration, Mobility, Citizens). They explained in a very instructive way the situation and evolution of the first SMUP of Zaragoza in 2007-, to the present Mobility Plan that is being revised. After inspired presentation partners had a chance to know Zaragoza like cyclists.  After cycling tour participants received a brief introduction about the Life of TRAMS in Zaragoza, since 2009. 

In the afternoon partners presented results on SWOT analyses. Topic of this meeting was governance and participation.  

Second day ended with the presentation on project management, communication and dissemination.  

Next meeting will be in Genova (Italy) in beginning of March 2018.