Spanish partner FAMCP - Federation of Municipalities, Regions and Provinces Aragon has a great opportunity to disseminate and communicate the development of DEMO EC project during the semester with the stakeholders. 

Project manager from FAMCP described the stakeholders the situation of the project, explained and talked about the last Study visit with DEMO-EC partners in Genova (Italy), the encouragement of models transport that are respectful with the environment and mean a real alternative to fight against high CO2 emissions.

The stakeholder meeting dealt with the importance of exchange points about "E mobility" good practices.

Talking about DEMO EC: is good to remember that the main objective of the DEMO-EC project is to integrate agile and efficient mobility in the development of the city by analyzing, sharing and disseminating good practices. This will improve the effectiveness of policies in the field of low carbon transport. The expected impact of the project is to positively influence alternatives to high carbon transport, supporting cleaner transport and developing a culture of alternative vehicles to the car.