4th international DEMO-EC partner meeting was held from 13. – 14. September 2018. The hosted partner was Municipality of Milanowek from Poland.

1st day of the meeting started with the presentations of good practices on focus topic of previous semester – e-mobility. German city – Leipzig started first, several examples of good practices were highlighted, but the most interesting was e-bus, line 89, which drives in Inner City and has a charging process on the roof. With the fast charging 20 minutes the bus can reach 25 kilometres.

Spanish partner FAMCP Federation of Municipalities, regions and Provinces of Aragon presented the MOVEA Plan 2017 – Support Plan for Alternative e-Mobility. The objective of the plan is to encourage the acquisition in Spain of vehicles moved by other types of energy than the traditional ones. MOVEA plan is a national program devoted to renewing the car fleet in Spain as more than half of the cars are older than 10 years and it means a double threat. MOVEA plan took several months to be implemented but in less than 24 hours the money was finished.  

Development agency Sinergija from Slovenia presented electric car Kavalir, which is electric vehicle for citizens and visitors provides environmentally friendly transport in the Ljubljana city centre, as it does not produce no noise or exhausts. Kavalir runs in pedestrian zone in city centre, Kavalir is primarily for elderly, physical impaired persons and tourist and runs along the old city centre of Ljubljana, which is closed to traffic.

Municipality of Liberec from Czech Republic presented a completely different picture then other project partners. Municipality of Liberec doesn’t have action plan for e-mobilty development, only small pilot project on this topic and e-mobility events, but they have 2 charging stations in the town. Therefore, is important to exchange experience between partners so that partners can see how certain solutions can be brought into place.

After the presentations, the day continue with the presentation of the experts on theme public transportation in Poland (Warsaw – Milanowek) and after that the cycling tour through the Milanowek and presentation of the history of the WKD (Warsaw Commuter Railway) in his museum.

Second day ended with the presentation on project management, communication and dissemination.

Next meeting will be in Leipzig, germany in the middle of March 2019.