Municipality of Genova organized on 5. November 2018 the 4th Regional Stakeholder Meeting, after the dissemination event aim to presented SWOT and to show a focus about methodology of incentives to behavior change used in Genoa also for other project about sustainable mobility.

At the event there were the expert stakeholders from main Ligurian cities, local body and companies interested in urban mobility, in order to discuss the needs for sustainable mobility in Liguria and the best solutions to be developed within the different issues of the project about:  Car reduction in the cities, LTP and Behaviour change.

The stakeholders were very interested in discussion in particular about Behaviour Change and LTP, they done a lot of suggestions and points of view analyzing all details and the different critical points about the topics, as in the following some examples:

• to extend availability to users with different types of travel documents, for example for short journeys or for a shorter time period than those currently available from the TPL service,

• to increase information on the TPL services available and on the different tariffs applied, including through campaigns to publicize new initiatives (with leaflets to be distributed at information and sales points) ,

• to support with information campaigns on parking of interchange, aim to increase their use ,

• to support active services with information campaigns as, for example, the "I24" shuttle service that connects the Genoa airport with the Sestri Ponente railway station ,

• to reorganize transport system, increasing the use of the interchange nodes ,

• to plan all transport system with the PUMS (need for coordination between interested bodies), with a clear offer and communicated at attractive economic conditions and which guarantees a safe travel comfort ,

• to promote car pooling services ,

• to encourage agreements between companies and transport ,

• Incentive projects such as "Bike to work" aim to promote use of an Mobile -app to create groups of cyclists to go to work together for a safer journey ,

• to encourage flexible working hours for employees.