The participants of the stakeholder meeting were representatives of departments of town hall of Milanówek: urban planning, Environmental Protection, EU Funds, Investments, Social communication. Representatives of Cultural Center – Milanowskie Centrum Kultury and Council of city’s aesthetics and architecture and business also took part in stakeholder meeting. 

The stakeholder meeting started with a short introduction of DEMO-EC project.  After the short introduction of the project, the representatives of the company that developed the analysis for urban mobility in Milanówek discussed the results of the conducted analysis in which the city bike system and electric scooters were used. Based on the results of the analysis, there was a discussion on the improvement of road and bicycle infrastructure, the legitimacy of introducing a city bike system and electric vehicles permanently as transport means, improvements in public transport and increasing residents' awareness of car traffic reduction and reducing low emissions. In addition, the participants discussed the need to prepare an action plan covering activities / activities in each of the 5 thematic areas. This task will be the subject of subsequent stakeholder meetings.