Development agency Sinergija organized 4th Stakeholder group meeting, which was held on 22. November 2018 in Pomurje region. The participating organizations were: Municipality of Turnišče, Municipality of Gornji Petrovci, Local development foundation for Pomurje region, Hiša sadeži družbe – Interregional house, Municipality of Lendava and Municipality of Cankova.

Meeting started with the presentation of the project; objectives and discussed topics, here was expose the topic behavior change, for which is responsible Development agency Sinergija.

In presentation of identified good practices were highlighted 2 good practices. 1st was on topic governance & participation – Involvement of stakeholders in establishing a new traffic regime, this is example from Municipality of Ljutomer and on topic e-mobility – Getting around the city center by electric car (Kavalir), this is example from City of Ljubljana.

Stakeholder meeting continued with the presentation of exchange of experiences of project partners. Project manager shared with attendees the good practices from other cities/municipalities.

After all heard, stakeholders were divided into groups and started with group work. In groups participants prepared the measures that respond to a community in their areas.

Measures were reported after group work in groups and which Development agency Sinergija will take into account in the preparation of an action plan for the change / update of the targeted policy (OP, thematic objective 4).

Most of the proposed measures were “soft” activities that influence the mobility behavior of the people and also “hard” measures. The proposed – identified measures were: development of sustainable mobility plans for rural areas, awareness raising campaigns for using the public transport, providing the free ticket for public transport for young and elderly people, construction of cycling routes to crate the cycling circle of Pomurje, organization of events during the European Mobility Week on all municipalities, share the information’s about car-sharing system. All stakeholders want to participate also in the future of the project.