The stakeholder group meeting was a great opportunity to disseminate and communicate the development of DEMO EC during fifth semester.

Project manager of FAMCP, explained the exchange of experience objective of the project DEvelopment Sustainable Mobility in European Cities. She gave enphasis to the main goal to be achived, during the Phase 1, semester 5. The encouragement of models transport that are respectful with the environment and mean a real alternative to fight against high CO2 emissions, under the topic: Car reduction (Cycling, walking, etc).

Explained and talked about the last STUDY VISIT and Steering group in LEIPZIG with DEMO-EC partners, the last 14th and 15th March 2019, in which partner regions joined together (representants of PPs and Stakeholders and externals) to Exchange Experiences about Mobility Plans concepts of the inner city of leipzig and actions they have done to reduce cars in the inner part as well as give and oiverview of planned activities as part of progess of action plan.