At the meeting were the expert stakeholders attended yet to previous stakeholders meetings, in order to discuss the draft of Ligurian Regional Action Plan to indentify the main actions for sustainable mobility in Liguria Region and the best solutions to be developed within of all topics of the project. 

After the presentation of the document draft, the stakeholders were very interested in discussion, they done a lot of suggestions and points of view in order to analyze all details and the different critical points about different topics.

The themes highlighted to insert in Action Plan are in the following:

• increase communication and coordination between the institutions ,

• greater clarity in the regulations of mobility in particular for interchange services ,

• dissemination of the initiatives of the Plan ,

• importance of the participation process with a focus on the "indicators" to evaluate the achievement in the medium and short term ,

• collection of statistical data with the help of stakeholders for the future monitoring of the actions, important to follow over time the effects on the territory and the level of maturity of the measures adopted • involvement of stakeholders and their active participation in order to include their suggestions ,

• inclusion of the idea of a "bicycle office" within the Local Authorities, useful for the coordination of every topic about cycling and related initiatives .

The definition of the final Action Plan will be shared with the Liguria Region before release, at the end of 2019.

The Municipality staff shown an overview of the action plan monitoring process that will take place during the fourth and fifth year of the project (2020-2021), it includes: definition of the elements to be evaluated, definition of indicators, data collection, comparison of ex-ante and ex-post indicators, sharing with stakeholders of the results In this process is very important the involvement of stakeholders in order to have relevant data.