The workshop was held on October 14, 2020 with the aim of sharing DSMEs Projects tips and tricks on what makes a destination management policy more effective.

Based on concrete examples, this workshop presents and illustrates six components of an effective Destination Management Strategy:

- Governance and empowerment of SMEs (clusters, networks etc.), illustrated by the “Enter Gauja” cluster in Latvia

- The creation of infrastructures, with the example of Cork Incubator Kitchens in Cork County, Ireland

- A dynamic events strategy, as implemented by the City of Joensuu, Finland

- Marketing support, with the current development of the territorial brand of the island of Gozo, Malta

- Innovation support, illustrated by the innovation awards delivered by the Slovenian Tourist Board in Slovenia

- Mobility and transport, and the experience of the I.T.E.R. and RêVE projects implemented by Grand Paradis Foundation in Italy.

Let us inspire your new Destination Management strategy!

The full conference session is available here

Video contribution: 

Cork Incubator Kitchens video

Ministry of Gozo- territorial brand video

Fondation Grand Paradis – sustainable mobility video