Are you curious about how policy instruments are being addressed in the Interreg Europe Programme funded projects? This week we talk with DEVISE partners from Laval Mayenne Technopole in Laval.

What policy instrument are you addressing?

We address the ERDF Programme "Pays de la Loire" which aims to create a dynamic economy to place the region among the most developed in Europe, by supporting ‘the capacity of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets as well as engaging in innovation processes’.

Were the Managing Authorities of the policy instruments addressed involved in the project? How?

The Managing authority is fully involved in the project. Indeed, for two years we include them in the reflections and task forces. Moreover, the authority will support financially part of the actions we plan to implement. The Managing authority will thus have a decisive role in the emergence and dissemination of our actions.

Which are the improvements in the policy instruments addressed?

Thanks to our actions, we support the dissemination and adoption of new digital technologies and uses. Thus, we stimulate the companies’ digital transformation. This will lead to make SMEs belonging to our territory more competitive.

How is helping DEVISE to achieve your objectives?

Thanks to DEVISE, we have the opportunity to discuss with partners all over Europe in order to better identify the way we should make emerge our actions. By doing so, we greatly increase our chances of making these actions successful.

Would you like to share some results?

It is currently too early to share results. The implementation of our actions is still in progress.