Project partner Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland) has hosted one of the DEVISE staff exchanges on 1st and 2nd of October in Seinäjoki.
The first day SeAMK organised some presentations, including, Research and Development at SeAMK and how to build a Digital Innovation Hub. Furthermore, they also shared some local good practices, such as, IoT Compass Hub and the Project Workshop. "We had lunch with Pasi Junell, the principal lecturer of SeAMK Technics who is experienced with drones. This was because the Romanian stakeholder, Ciprian Iorga, is specialized on drone business. After lunch we arranged a meeting for Ciprian and the new Research and Development Manager of SeAMK, Ari Sivula. In the mean while the project partners had discussions about good practices and staff exchanges" , explains Saara Nuottajärvi from Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences School of Technology.
In the afternoon they visited Seinäjoki University laboratories where they work with IoT, Robotics, Food Technology, Construction and Manufacturing.
During the second day they picked up guests from their hotels and drove to the next city, Lapua, for a company site visit on Hydroll Oy, specialized in high-quality piston accumulators. Afterwards, they came back to Seinäjoki for lunch and then visited EPEC oy control system expert company. On both companies they first got a presentation of the company and afterwards a tour on the factory.
"From our point of view everything went well and it was truly our pleasure to host our partners on this staff exchange. The guests had insightful thoughts and questions about presentations and topics discussed. It was also very interesting to hear about their organizations, areas and the good practices", adds Saara Nuottajärvi.