On 15th of December 2021, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa implemented Online workshop with the topic “Participatory processes and methods”, under project “Dialog for Innovation and Local Growth“. The meeting aimed to share with the stakeholders the "Model on participatory processes and methods", developed under the project.
The event had been attended by 11 representatives of stakeholders: thematic experts of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Vratsa Municipality, Bulgrarian Academy of Science, Business support organizations, EEN and citizens of Vratsa District, and 3 representatives of project partner, CCI Vratsa.
Mrs. Maya Milova, CCI Vratsa introduced the essential elements that characterize the model, the Conceptual basis, the Grounds for participation, the Spectrum of engagement and the Sectors of intervention. The participants in the event got acquainted in detail with the tools and techniques for stakeholder involvement through information, consultation, participation and cooperation.
The discussion, at the end of event was lively and key aspects were identified and learned. According to the expressed opinions, cooperation with many stakeholders in finding solutions to economic and social problems is very useful and crucial. The participants appreciated the developed examples, and also emphasis the important role of the public in creating better public services.
Participants commented the potential enhancement of the model, in relation to the Action Plan envisaged at local level, the nature of the actions to be performed, the players and foreseen sectors of intervention. And in this regard, participants suggested the implementation of further meetings connected with the drafting of the action plan.