On Tuesday 23 June 2020 from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. was organized by the Swiss partner of the Canton Ticino second online meeting of the Interreg Dialog project that due to the continuation of the health emergency linked to the spread of Covid-19, took place on an online platform with the participation of about 50 people, among the project partners and the stakeholders involved.
The purpose of this second meeting was to present Swiss good practices in the fields of dialogue and social innovation which can also be taken up and developed by other partners.
The moderator of the meeting was Furio Bednarz, director of the Office of Continuing Education and Innovation in the Canton of Ticino, and manager of the Swiss partnership of Dialog project.
The meeting opened with an introductory framework of the rules of social dialogue and the process of participation in the development of local policies in the Canton of Ticino. Speakers on these issues were Siegfried Alberton, as responsible of the Regio Suisse, and Lorenzo Ambrosini, Director of the CEO Foundation.
Afterwards there was the presentation and discussion of the two Swiss good practices identified: "Fondounimpresa" and "la città dei Mestieri della Svizzera italiana".
The "Fondounimpresa" case study was presented by Kathy Muller, Director of the interdepartmental service of the Canton of Ticino. Fondounimpresa is an inter - departmental service of the Professional Training Division and of the Economic Division of the Canton of Ticino.
The presentation of this case study was focused in particular on some objectives of this service and on the importance of promoting the knowledge of "doing business" through training courses in business management (legal notions, business plans, marketing and accounting), coaching and consultancy to micro-entrepreneurs and aspiring residents of Ticino.
The meeting continued with the presentation, by Furio Bednarz, as project leader, of the good practice " la città dei Mestieri della Svizzera italiana ". The so-called "City of Crafts" is an international network present in more than 50 realities, to which any country can join. It is a one-stop shop that provides to the users, completely anonymously and without any appointment, orientation, training and work in a single consulting and event space. “La città dei Mestieri” pursues the aims of:
- facilitate the access to orientation and information in the sectors of initial and continuous training of the labor market;
- promoting apprenticeships and new job opportunities, including self-employment;
- help users to develop their educational, professional and career choices.
The participants in the web meeting expressed a great interest in the case studies presented, especially for the strong social dialogue that was at the basis of the development of these policies.