This second meeting was focused on the integration of the charging point in the municipality of Cieza. A brief reminder of E-MOB project and a summary of the peer review hosted in Cieza 1st July was done by Manuel Moreno. Then Miguel Ángel Piñera moderated the discussion. Three main topics were discussed:

First of all, it was discussed which are the most suitable types of charging points to be established in a municipality as Cieza. This discussion raised different alternatives and the main conclusion that there is no one optimal solution, but that each situation has to be studied according to their particularities. In addition, the possibility of integrating charging points in lightbulbs was consider as an optimal solution, in order to solve the problem that most of people do not have own parking and also to make it easy for people. Regarding public charging points, it was agreed that they are important in order to make e-mobility visible to people.

Secondly, it was discussed the role that the local administration should have in the development of the e-mobility. In addition to the establishment of public charging points, it was highlighted that they should collaborate with private actors in order to make agreements with them and conduct actions for the promotion of e-mobility, for example to give free space for the establishment of charging points in the municipality. In addition, to make sure that law is accomplished is key. One specific example of this is the rule of establishing at least 1 electric charging point per 40 traditional parking places for any company with a parking, which has great benefits for people, but is not followed in many times in many supermarkets.

In third place, regarding the integration of charging points in existing buildings, it was explained that there is no problem regarding technical or legal aspects. Thus, the municipality has the role of incentivizing the citizenship. Many times, the incentives are not just economic (which were also agreed as important), but a campaign in which every step to be followed, the possibilities for people and the benefits, could be the best incentive.

Finally, María Jesús highlighted the importance of the cooperation among different actors to achieve the transition towards the electric mobility in a successful way, and the meeting was concluded.