On Wednesday 13th July 2022, from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm, the Final High Level Political Dissemination Event of the e-MOPOLI project, co-financed by the Interreg Europe programme and of which the Province of Brescia is Lead Partner, will be held in Brescia. The project, which started in 2018 and will end in November this year, involves 9 partners from 8 European countries: Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Romania and Latvia. The objective of e-MOPOLI is to contribute to the efficient deployment of electric mobility and alternative fuels through the improvement of 9 policy instruments in the countries involved in the project. Through intensive exchange of knowledge, good practices and the organisation of several international events, the partners developed a context analysis, a sourcebook of good practices, recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders, and finally 9 regional Action Plans, which were implemented and monitored during the last two years of the project. The final event on 13 July will be an opportunity for the partners to present the results obtained through the implementation of their respective Action Plans as well as to discuss, together with numerous international stakeholders, the developments and future scenarios in the field of electric mobility and alternative fuels, a sector that has become increasingly relevant over the years in order to achieve the climate targets set by the European Green Deal.