The fourth e-smartec newsletter is finally available!

From our capacity building skills and project synergies to a brand new e-course and webinar series coming this fall and winter, you are just a scroll away from all the e-smartec things you need to know.

Read it all here:

Some news to pique your interest...

5th Project and Steering Committee Meeting in Bratislava

On July 1 and 2, 2021, Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Partner in the e-smartec Project, hosted our 5th Project and Steering Committee Meeting. You can read about it and find out more about our current status and what is to come in our brand new Press Release.

Hands-on Trainings: Building Capacity in our Regions and Beyond

Partner Roma Servizi per la Mobilità has developed hands-on trainings for transferring the knowledge and skills to build the engagement strategy of a SUMP from one partner to the other. Read everything about the 6 hands-on trainings in our news. 

Central Macedonia: Collaborating with PE4Trans

The Region of Central Macedonia has kept its synergy with PE4Trans strong: on May 5, 2021, it has participated to the study visit organized by the Transport Systems Research Group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, partner of PE4Trans.