Electric Bus Tech Webinar

eBussed project is delighted to launch a new series of in-depth expert webinars focusing on various themes related to electric buses. The first webinar focuses on technological aspects, providing a broad overview of the status of e-bus technology and market development, as well as a more detailed session on the charger-bus interface. 


9:00–10:00 CET
                    Overview of e-bus technology development and current e-bus market 
                    Vincent Wever, Goudappel Coffeng, Netherlands 

                    Vincent Wever works for a mobility-consultancy office in the Netherlands. He has been                     working as Public Transport journalist and was test member in a European e-bus test in                     Bonn,Germany, last November. He will give an overview of the e-bus development in                     Europe.

10:00–11:00 CET                     
                    Charger-bus interface and stage of standardization
                    Marko Paakkinen, VTT, Finland 

                    Marko Paakkinen is a Research Team Leader and Project Manager at VTT Technical                     Research Centre of Finland, leading a team of 16 researchers working on the                     electrification of transport and energy storage topics.

Register for the free webinar by June 29 at  https://www.lyyti.in/ebussedweb