From zero-emission to charging method comparison

The series of eBussed in-depth expert webinars started with the theme Electric Bus Tech. The two speakers Vincent Wever from The Netherlands and Marko Paakkinen from Finland gave the participants an interesting ride on the rapidly changing world of e-bus technology.

The presenters offered deep-going information of charging options and strategies, that the participants can utilise when designing and developing solutions. For example, the pros and cons of depot charging, opportunity charging, and the rarer flash charging were discussed carefully.


The scamming energy supplier and other players

One of the most memorable ideas was to play “Ticket to eRide” board game. Different roles help to see the same things from different aspects. Putting on the hat of a transport authority representative, a transport company agent, municipality representative or energy infrastructure operator enables to gain the mindset of the other players operating in the same field.


More is to come, save the date!

The second part of the webinar series will take place on 15 September. The details will be updated to the eBussed website events and Facebook.