As part of the online Rencontres Vélo & Territoires, several webinars are being organised on various topics, including on the links between cycling tourism and the environment.

On Friday 16th October, Florence Grégoire from the European Cyclists' Federation will give a presentation on "Promoting Cycle Tourism in Natural Spaces: European Good Practices from the ECO-CICLE Project" as part of the webinar "The Somme Valley : a successful marriage of environment and cycling".

Here are the thematics and questions explored in this webinar:

- How to take advantage of an exceptional environmental heritage?

- What territorial project should be built around a natural site?

For the past ten years, the Somme Valley has been relying on cycling to build a strong project to protect biodiversity, enhance natural and cultural heritage, but also for economic and territorial development. The webinar will be illustrating these aspects, with the ECO-CICLE good practices providing a European perspective on these issues.