Programme of the  2nd ECOWASTE4FOOD' cross-visit in Ferrara includes presentations and visits of:

-Circular Economy in the Region Emilia Romagna
-Circular Economy & Resource Efficiency in Ferrara: a map  from the Environmental Report 2014-2016
-Food Donation to people in need: a map of the supply chain in Ferrara
-Education as a practice: the Centro Idea, the Regional system Infeas: project “Che cavolo mangi?”
-RistoriAMO eco-innovation with Association Officina Dinamica
- ActivEcoLab eco-innovation at work: How to prepare a circular dinner
c/o IPSSAR “Vergani” - Via Sogari, with Chef Marco & Nicholas Salmi
- Brutti ma buoni eco-innovation with Andrea Vicentini, Coop Alleanza3.0
& Caritas Diocesana – Ferrara
- Cibo Amico eco-innovation: visit to Hera S.p.A. company’s cafeteria
- “Donating Food to people in life challenging situation”: an overview with Patrizio Fergnani - Municipality of Ferrara introduce the supply chain of the Last Minute Market

- CIR - Cooperativa Italiana di Ristorazione, Ferrara
- Visit to “Il Mantello” - Via Mura di Porta Po, 9 with Lucrezia Arienti and the Volunteers
- A first policy change: the project ”Donate with Taste” with Lucrezia Arienti & Volunteers
-Towards the Action Plan, a matrix for integrated actions