The Cross Visit aims to give ideas about food waste prevention both in public as well as in private sector. During the Cross Visit local actors will also introduce some examples of funding sources that have been used in the region for implementing projects related to food waste issues.
Day 1, Tuesday 16th January (in Seinäjoki)
14.30–14.45 Welcome & short introduction to Cross Visit at meeting room 7th Heaven, Frami, building F, Kampusranta 11, 60320 Seinäjoki
14.45–15.45 Visit at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
- Implementation of food waste & circular economy education in the studies of Food and Hospitality students - Mrs. Hanne Ala-Harja, senior lecturer in the School of Food & Agriculture in the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
15.45–16.45 Introduction to Omenahaus innovation - Mr. Juha Haapamäki, Omenahaus, at meeting room 7th Heaven, Frami, building F, Kampusranta 11, 60320 Seinäjoki
Day 2, Wednesday 17th January (visits outside of Seinäjoki by bus)(visits outside of Seinäjoki by bus)
09.00-11.00 Visit at primary school of Neiro in the municipality of Ilmajoki, Saunamäentie 307, 60760 Pojanluoma
- Introduction to food waste prevention in the school kitchens - Mrs. Pirjo Sivula, Head of Food Services in the municipality of Ilmajoki
- Introduction to food waste education materials for children provided by the regional waste management company - Mrs. Mirva Hautala, Development manager & Ms. Oona Salo, Waste councellor, Lakeuden Etappi waste management company
- Introduction to food waste education among pupils - Mrs. Ilona Kaltiala, headteacher in the primary school of Neiro
13.00–15.00 Visit at Atria Finland, Atriantie 1, Nurmo, Seinäjoki
- Side stream management & utilisation in Atria food company and its pig cutting plant & logistics centre (Note! Visiting instructions must be followed)
16.00–17.00 Visit at Alavuden öljynpuristamo rapeseed oil mill, Järviluomantie 24, 63300 Alavus
- Introduction to the side stream management in the rapeseed oil mill - Mrs. Hanna Yli-Kuha, CEO & Mr. Tuomas Olkkonen, Quality & Development Manager
Day 3 Thursday 18th January (in Seinäjoki)
Venue: Jouppi old house, Niittäjänkatu 7, 60320 Seinäjoki
09.00-9.30 Coffee, cottage cheese and short introduction to the venue’s history
09.30–10.30 Introduction to food waste education projects for the citizens by the Rural Women's Advisory Organisation South Ostrobothnia, Mrs. Terhi Jaskari, Executive Director
11.00–12.00 Lunch prepared of surplus ingredients by the experts of Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation South Ostrobothnia
12.00–13.30 Debriefing session of the Cross Visit
13.30 End of the Cross Visit
Please note, that minor changes to the agenda are possible.