As ECOWASTE4FOOD project partner, City of Ferrara wants to  create a network of food business operator and charities towards 2020, which stakeholders work together to prevent food to become waste while helping people in life' challenging situation.



10.00 Chiara Sapigni, Councilor for Health and Social Policies at Municipality of Ferrara:
Greetings and introduction

10.15 Paolo Govoni President of the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara
Is Social Responsibility appropriate for the company?

10.30 Maria Chiara Gadda, Member of the Parliament, first signatory and promoter of the law 166/2016, Provisions concerning the donation and distribution of food and pharmaceutical products for the purposes of social solidarity and for the limitation of waste

11.00 Giuliana Malaguti, Banco Alimentare Foundation
The recovery of food surpluses: a good daily and sustainable practice

11.30 Sandro Coccoi, Forum CSV Solidarity Parma
Parma does not waste: the experience of a supportive platform

11.50 Questions from the public

12.30 Conclusions / end of works