Online final Conference of the ECOWASTE 4 FOOD Project
“Food Waste prevention and reduction: local and regional strategies towards the EU Green Deal agenda”
CIHEAM Montpellier, France, 7th October 2020
09h00 Opening session
Placido PLAZA, Secretary General of CIHEAM
Anne ROCHETEAU, Project Officer, Interreg Europe Programme
09h20 Setting the scene of food waste in Europe (challenges, key areas for action, bottlenecks, research and innovation needs)
Shane WARD, University College Dublin (tbc)
10h30 Cutting food wastage at the local level: actors and good practices supported by the ECOWASTE 4 FOOD project
Introduction: Key challenges of the ECOWASTE 4 FOOD project and storytelling video on ECOWASTE 4 FOOD results
Presentation of the main results by the 7 partners of the project: Wielkopolska Region; City of Ferrara; Region of Western Macedonia; Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia; Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur; Devon County Council; Waste Agency of Catalonia
13h30 Lessons learnt from the EW4F project: what place and roles for Local Authorities (LA) in the reduction of food waste?
Debate with a panel of seven project partners
15h00 The EU Farm-to-Fork strategy and the EU renewed ambitions on food waste
Bartosz ZAMBRZYCKI, DG HEALTH, European Commission
15h30 Shaping the future: EU framework towards effective local/regional strategies to fight against food waste
Debate with a panel of policy makers at regional, national and European levels to identify the coming opportunities and the policy levers to activate to enhance food waste reduction
Panelists: Vasilios AMPAS, Vice-Governor for Rural Development, Region of Western Macedonia ; Guillaume GAROT, Member of the French National Assembly, Chairman of the Food National Council ; Bartosz ZAMBRZYCKI, DG Health, European Commission ; Delphine VITALI, Deputy Director, Directorate Biodiversity and Sea, South PACA Region ; Josep Maria TOST I BORRAS, Director, Waste Agency of Catalonia ; Ian GULLAND, President, ACR+
17h00 Wrap up of the sessions and conclusions