Innovation ecosystem – the key tool for the regional development in the 21st. century - the last conference of Elise project will be held online, which creates opportunities for everyone to join. Two invited keynote speakers will talk about innovation ecosystems and regional development as drivers of the innovation in EU regions. Presentations will be followed by discussion format, where main findings from 7 EU regions will be discusses and answer following questions:

  • How to improve innovation policies in the Life Science Sector?
  • How to support innovative companies?
  • How can innovation actors benefit from international cooperation?

>>>Find Agenda of the conference HERE.<<<

Topics of the conference

  • Role of the innovation ecosystem in the regional development
  • Life Sciences as key sector for innovation within the EU
  • Capacity building towards higher innovation performance
  • How can policymakers support open innovation and co-creation as key concepts for innovation development?
  • Targeted support of the networking by the regional policymakers

Why should you attend?

  • To gain understanding about the concept of innovation ecosystem and its role in the regional development
  • To understand specificities of the Life Sciences innovation ecosystem
  • To find out how capacity building can improve innovation performance in your region
  • To understand new trends in policy development towards innovation
  • To examine how to implement the open innovation concept in your region

Target audience

  • Local/regional/national/EU policymakers
  • Innovation support organisations and agencies
  • Cluster managers
  • Innovation stakeholders (Academia and business)