Title of the action: Methodology for the promotion of strategic projects with the full involvement of the regional "triple helix": research laboratories, companies and public decision makers. 

Brief description of the action

This action aims to set up conditions for developing and bringing to completion strategic projects. The methodology starts from the identification of topics/subtopics of interest for future innovative drives (strategic projects) matching the Regional needs and the expertise of the members of the Clust-ER.   These strategic projects have to be able to engage the largest number of stakeholders, committing them into the finalization of the project, aiming to impact positively the innovative sub-topic in which they are engaged.  This action includes the provision of pre-feasibility and / or feasibility studies to help shape the project and to support the quest for strategic results. The process of technical and market feasibility assessment should be a continuum in order to provide the necessary support to decision making. 

Progress on the implementation of the action plan 

At the beginning of this year ART-ER and Regional Government started a process of identifying some topics and challenges on which to find aggregation of local stakeholders.

This is a preparatory phase for the definition of complex and strategic project proposals that can increase the competitiveness of the regional health sector. This process of identifying project proposals should have been carried out last spring through a series of brainstorming meetings and initiatives that could stimulate the creativity and active participation of stakeholders.

The pandemic emergency situation has unfortunately blocked the development of this second phase, drained regional priorities in the implementation of other activities and unfortunately at this moment we are still not able to plan adequately when to restart with this phase.

Main change perfomed by the action plan implementation

The pandemic situation has drained the attention, activities and economic resources of the Emilia-Romagna Region towards actions to combat the spread of the Sar-Cov2 contagion.

Unfortunately, the policy instrument which is the subject of the action plan was used and modified very quickly so that it could give a rapid and effective response in this sense avoiding the planned activities in AP.