Project Events

Talleres sobre Economía verde y circular


Los proyectos europeos liderados por AGENEX, servirán de apoyo al gobierno...

Type: Project

IV spotkanie międzyregionalne w ramach ENERSELVES

12/09/2017 - 13/09/2017

A Dissemination Event and a Steering Committee meeting to address project...

Type: Project

Energy Self-Consumption in Buildings - EUSEW


Regional Policies for energy self-consumption in buildings, ENERSELVES project

Type: Project

Seminar on Solar Energy and Architecture and 2nd IE

10/05/2017 - 11/05/2017

The 2nd Interregional Event and Steering Committee will take place in Ronneby...

Type: Project

Renewable Energies integration in buildings


Integration of renewable energies in buildings. Extremadura samples and best...

Type: Project