The next stakeholders' meeting of the ENERSELVES project will be held at the Cefmectp, Joint Construction and Training safety facilities in Rome and its province, in Pomezia, Italy.

The meeting will be inaugurated by the Regional Councilor for Housing, Urban Planning, Waste Cycle and Treatment Plant Policies and introduced by two Regional Directors of the Lazio Region: the Director of Public Works and the Director of Housing and Territory Policies, Landscape and urban planning.

The Cefmectp is a body sought and managed by the social partners of the sector, the ACER - Association of Builders of Rome and the province and the unions of the same areas. It is the largest training centre in Italy for workers in the construction sector and, therefore, it is relevant to the objectives of ENERSELVES especially for the project results with regard to the 175 people who increase the professional capacity to attend interregional events.

It used to be one of the busiest training centres in the sector at European level in the golden age of construction and civil works. Now, it remains an important centre for updating professionals who want to improve their skills in building innovation, including sustainability.

Eliana Cerroni, Area Ufficiale Rogante, Gare e Contratti per i LL.PP. - Regione Lazio, will give a presentation on the state of ENERSELVES and the interested parties that participated in the Interregional meetings in Romania and Malta will make presentations on the advice learned from their experiences.