High-level Dissemination Event - Country Session CENIA - Czech Environmental Information Agency, 15th September 2020

The country session was carried out on-line, as many other events which needed to adjust to the COVID-19. It was definitely better solution than the regular meeting, the corona crisis haven´t pass yet, so it would be very complicated to see each other in person. Anyway, our Country session attended twelve people, mostly EMAS registered organisations and verifiers, but there was for instance the participant from Association of the Chemical Indrustry of the Czech Republic. Main guest was Mr. Daniel Hájek from the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, who is the head of the Voluntary instruments in CR.

To highlight the most succesful actions, there are two which we are proud of. Firstly, the deal with the Czech Environmental Inspectorate (CEI) – the main aim is to reduce the frequency of the environmetnal controls, if the company which is EMAS registered and does not fall into the category of increased risk, the frequency of inspections will be extended by 1 year (according to the risk criteria of the facility). The thing which we value is, that CEI inspectors will take into account the introduction of EMAS as proof of sufficient accident prevention and reduction of the negative effects of the facility on the environment.

Second action, which was presented by Mr. Daniel Hájek, was creation of the training program aiming for public authorities. First step was the development of the large textbook, which deeply explains mosts of the enviornmental issues. This textbook will be aviable on-line. Next, originally series of trainings should be followed. Beacuse the COVID-19 crisis this action will be modified, and the will be developed the series of tranining videos, webinars, leaflets etc. This action should be aimed also to the Green public procurement, and the leaflets shlould contain often examples form practice and instructions how the solve most common issues.

The final part was dedicated to the EMAS regulation, explicitly to Annex IV, which have been changed recently.

You can see the recording of the session through the following link:



The presentations of the HLDE are available in the Library of the ENHANCE project's website, in which we can also find all the information on the project and the documentation it has generated,
