Public-private governance of rivers and wetlands restoration and conservation of green infrastructure.

Thursday 25 November 2021, 15:00 - 15:30, GREEN 1

Rivers, wetlands and their surrounding landscapes are key to the long term sustainability of ecological processes and biodiversity maintenance and restoration. The wide range of public administrations (local, council, regional, catchment, national) and private actors (business sector, specialized river and wetlands conservation and restoration NGOs, local NGOs, environmental groups) poses wide governance challenges to decision-making, participation, co-creation, restoration action, long-term management and conservation. Within the framework of the competences of the different administrations involved and in order to maximise the ecological and biodiversity value of rivers and wetlands, it is advisable to facilitate intervention frameworks that generate opportunities and organise the specific and long-term functions of the different actors. Management agreements, action contracts, public aid and other instruments have been used in an ad-hoc manner, achieving results in restoration and ecological and biodiversity conservation, but in an isolated manner and with no guarantee of long-term sustainability. It is also key to ensure the technical quality of the restoration and associated management actions.

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Research and innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Environment and resource efficiency