Common safety is everyone's job
Implementing IT web solution s (web portal) on local level with the purpose of informing public (questions and answers) and helping them to manage risks that are described in the local documents on risk assessment (what to do, where to go and whom to call). That will be helpful in advance as a preventive and a matter of public education but also informative in the case of accident. This could also encourage communication on local level between local government and citizens, and provide us a dissemination of problems that are bothering people. The second “package” of web information should give an answer to concrete local situations that citizens are often asking about: what to do with wild animals in the city (foxes, snakes etc.),and at the same time, citizens could inform us about some environmental risks, possible pollution and other observation in their surroundings. Web instruction should contain questionnaire, educational movies, dissemination of information (simple, informative and suitable for people with disabilities).