Project News

6th Local Action Group meeting (Ireland)


The 6th meeting of the Local Action Group, Ireland took place on the 31st May...

Type: Project

2nd Intense Sharing of Good Practices by Louth


On Thursday the 27th May, Louth EU_SHAFE hosted a webinar, “Can IT unITe us”?,...

Type: Project

4th stakeholder meeting organized in Slovenia


Presentation and evaluation of EU_SHAFE good practices for elderly in the field...

Type: Project

4th Stakeholders Meeting in Bizkaia


Bizkaia held its 4th Stakeholders meeting, within the EU_SHAFE project on May...

Type: Project

EU_SHAFE response to Green Paper on Ageing


On April 21st, TU Dublin submitted on behalf of EU_SHAFE the response to the...

Type: Project

Slovenia, approved "Point for the Elderly" project


Important result of the EU_SHAFE project in Slovenia - approved LAG project...

Type: Project

EU_SHAFE Co-creation workshop


The EU Green Paper on Ageing seeks to launch a 'broad policy debate on ageing'...

Type: Project

5th Local Action Group meeting (Ireland)


The 5th meeting of the Local Action Group, Ireland took place on the 22nd March...

Type: Project

NET4AGEFRIENDLY COST action:SHAFE activities growing


Over the month of February 2021, members of the EU_SHAFE project team...

Type: Project

LCC submission to the “Review to Renew” consultation


On the 18th September, the Louth EU_SHAFE partner in conjunction with Louth Age...

Type: Project

Innovative public-private partnerships in Aarhus


The Welfare Technology Development Fund becomes the Public Private Innovation...

Type: Project

The main events of EU_SHAFE during its 3rd semester


The intense sharing of good practices for interregional learning in Hamburg and...

Type: Project