The Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia held the 4th Stakeholder Meeting of the EU_SHAFE project, on May 26th 2021, which was implemented on-line due to Covid-19 restrictions. There were 7 participants from local institutions for elderly, municipalities and NVOs. The presentation of good practices (GPs) with other institutions and Ministries were presented via email ppt presentation and phone.


EU_SHAFE Heart of Slovenia 4th Stakeholders Meeting. On-line (SI) Development

Centre of the Heart of Slovenia presented selected 10 good practices that enable better quality of life of elderly in the field of communication and information, namely Task group 3, Preparing your medical visit, Gizadiberri and Interdisciplinary research platfrom from Spain; DokkX, Educational centre and Pioneers from Denmark; “Health Kiosk” from Hamburg and “Alone” from Ireland. After the presentation, there has been a discussion with the participants and evaluation of GPs. They also presented what similar is already implementing in Slovenia and what can be transferred into our local environment. The most liked good practices have been ReHab from Portugal and ALONE from Ireland. After a group evaluation of each GP, there was also a presentation of the LAG project “Point for Elderly” and the inspiration came from the EU_SHAFE project (GP practice from Ireland “DDS4OP”) and the stakeholders meetings’ results.

 EU_SHAFE Heart of Slovenia Third Stakeholders Meeting, Anita Molka, project manager of EU_SHAFE, presenting “Health Kiosk” from Hamburg. On-line (SI)