1) Can you share some details about the policy context addressed by your Action Plan and on how its implementation will contribute to improving the policy instruments tackled within your region?

The Basque Country ERDF Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 is aligned with Europe´s 2020 Strategy and the Basque Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS3). The region's greatest objectives include the health sector, particularly active aging and healthy living. The Provincial Council of Bizkaia's Action Plan aims to provide support to the ROP actions and the ESF OP objectives by promoting greater economic and social cohesion through the staying home support service (etxeTIC), a day center for occasional visits, backed by an innovative service model that supports dependent people to extend their stay at home, avoiding or delaying their institutionalization.

2) Which are the actions you are going to implement and how much have they got inspired by the EU_SHAFE project’s activities devoted to the interregional exchange of experiences?

The Staying at home Support Service: etxeTIC provides a home stay support service for older and dependent people, as well as their caregivers. It consists of innovative, non-invasive technologies that provide assistance tailored to the individual's needs and abilities. Additionally, this service features a referral centre for sporadic presential visits. This action incorporates the knowledge obtained from several EU SHAFE Good practices into the existing etxeTIC model, such as VWIQ and AGQua from Hamburg, DokkX good practice from Aarhus and HomeTAB, undertaken by the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia. The learning gained through these good practices will contribute towards strengthening and improvement of the current activities and procedures undertaken in the etxeTIC center.

3) On which main financial sources you will leverage for the execution of the actions envisaged and which is the related time frame for their completion?

The etxeTIC Home Stay Support Service project will be carried out with the help of European Next Generation funds (recovery plan to repair the economic and social damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic). As part of the pilot implementation of this new service model, this funding has contributed to the Etxaniz day center´s implementation of the etxeTIC model. Starting in June 2022, the action plan aims to implement knowledge shared in the framework of EU_SHAFE and contribute to the implementation of this updated model in the opening of four additional EtxeTIC facilities across the Region of Bizkaia by June 2023.