Finch Lead Partner - Regione Piemonte - organised and hosted the second Stakeholder Group Meeting in its headquarter premises on the 26th March 2019 welcoming representatives of the following institutions:

According to the structure of the agenda,  the meeting discussion frame was structured as it follows:

  • overview on FINCH 1st Interregional Workshop Meeting (Piemonte region - Italy, November 2018) and presentation of the "cultural practices" selected and introduced to the partnership with a particular focus on assets owned by Regione Piemonte with public funds: Exilles Fortress  and Callori Palace; both premises are now object of regional procedures aimed at involving private actors in managing/financing issues in accordance with regional cultural enhancements projects;
  • overview on FINCH 2nd Interregional Workshop Meeting (South West Oltenia region - Romania, February 2019)  and presentation of the 4 "cultural practices" presented to the partnership as well as information and opinion emerged during the peer review session;
  • presentation of the “Living document on financial instruments and regulatory frameworks for the introduction of partnership with private sector” by Finch Advisory Partner as core element of the project Capitalization Step (step 2).

The gathered participants welcomed the shared information and provided interesting elements of conversation and discussion. 

The 3rd Stakeholder Group Meeting is scheduled for autumn 2019 to share experiences that will be presented in the coming months by Finnish partners of the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia and by German partners of the Development Bank of Saxony-Anhalt.