The international partners of FoodChains 4EU project and experts in food sectors from the project partners regions are expected in Maramures County, between 5th and 9th November, 2018, for an exchange of experience in supporting the local producers included in the food chains, both for introduction of innovation and to preserve and value the traditional technologies and products.

Through an integrated approach, three events of FoodChains 4EU will be hosted by Maramures County Council, during 5 days of Maramures food systems’ assessment: Peer Review (the forth Peer Review within FC4EU project), Monitoring Board Meeting and Interregional Learning Workshop.

Maramures County Council intends to introduce a labelling system named “Bun de Maramures” (Good of Maramures) for the most representative local products. This label will not be a real certification, but a guarantee offered by Maramures County Council regarding the potential of a  local product to become representative for Maramures county, because it exploits a local resource, has a traditional recipe and uses a traditional or innovative technique focusing on quality not on quantity.

Having in consideration these aspects,

•    PEER REVIEW (PR) focus will examine:
1) Identification of local products representative for Maramures with market potential, and methods to support the local traditional producers;
2) Innovative models of food business association and mechanisms to support them;
3) Innovative methods of selling and packaging food, including traditional ones.

The context and challenges of Maramures County in relation to food innovation and local policy will be illustrated by several actions dedicated to the international experts: ”Food Chain current situation in Maramures County” Workshop (Baia Mare, 6th November), field visits at representative food producers in Maramures and meetings with local students and University specialists in food sectors. The conclusions and recommendations of the PR experts, regarding the food systems of Maramures County, will be presented during a dissemination workshop, on 9th November, at the end of Peer Review.

•    “TRADITION AND INNOVATION” INTERREGIONAL LEARNING WORKSHOP, in Baia Mare (Maramures), planned on 8th November, will approach technological aspects of innovation processes of food systems in Romania and in other countries of project partners: certification of traditional products, examples of good practices and projects, innovative policies and actions at national and local level etc.

•    MONITORING BOARD MEETING in Baia Mare, planned on 9th November, will gather regional politicians and FoodChains 4 EU project team in order to monitor the progress project and to discuss the outcomes of the project activities.
