Through quickly and flexible actions clusters can play an important role in supporting resilience of a business location. Especially the current crisis situation proved, how cooperative networks can handle the upcoming challenges. They are able to take needs-oriented and suitable measures and thus make an effective contribution to the future resilience of the value chains in their respective sectors and regions. 



Official welcome by John Hobbs, lead partner of the Interreg Europe Project FOUNDATION

Key note on “Contribution of Cluster Initiatives for Dynamic and Resilient Value Chains” by Christian Altmann, head of cluster & cooperations in Business Upper Austria

Q&A Session


Short break


Presentation of cluster initiatives and moderated discussion with Cluster-Managers Elmar Paireder (Mechatronics Cluster), Florian Danmayr (Automotive Cluster) and Nora Mack (Medical Technology Cluster)

Q&A Session

The webinar is arranged by Business Upper Austria on Tuesday 28.9.2021 at 14:30 CET as a part of the FOUNDATION project, funded by Interreg Europe. The event is free of charge, but registration is needed
