To reach new stakeholders for this meeting, the Province of Antwerp tapped into an ISB conference for public authorities, organisations and companies working with sport facilities, also ensuring GPP is on their agenda.

The meeting will focus on techniques to green your public procurement, starting from successful cases related to sport infrastructure such as energy investments, roof utilisation, lighting and mobility. Representatives of both public administrations and the private sector will discuss green public procurement in their sector. In the light of the action plan to be developed, there will be room for discussion on what is needed for an efficient strategy for GPP in Flanders.

The event will take place in De Mixx in Herselt in the south-east of the province. The accommodation is a nice example of GPP. In a PPP-formula a multifunctional, energy-efficient was designed to harbour sport as well as social and recreational services in the municipality. In addition to a cafetaria and a library, there are rooms for the local history society, four meeting rooms,an exhibition ans rehearsal space, one small and one large sports hall, squash courts, a climbing wall, a mats room, a hall of mirrors for dancers, childcare services, a multi-sensory stimulation 'snoezel' area and offices for staff. the centre was built in 2011 using sustainable techniques: heat pumps, air heat recovery, solar water heaters, building management systems, ... to create energy efficient facilities. A tour of the building is part of the day.